Forecasting Overview

Forecast Data Block

All forecasting is done using the Forecast data block.

The Forecast data block contains columns for determining the Forecast Final Unit Cost, Forecast Final Cost, Forecast Final MHrs, and productivity, as well as the Forecast Method. Further in the lesson, you will learn the details of how to input a forecast.

The Control main page includes a default Forecasts viewset that contains the Forecast data block.

Individual Forecasts

The Control application allows you to create multiple individual forecasts as needed, giving you flexibility to try out different forecasting methods and “what if” scenarios. The Manage Forecasts section of this lesson walks you through how to save and share your forecasts with others on your project.

You can access all the forecasts you have access to via the drop-down on the Forecast data block header.

This shows you all your forecasts, as well as any other forecasts that have been shared with you.

Live Forecast

In Control, the Live Forecast is the official project forecast used for financial reporting and is shared with all members of the project automatically. Data from other forecasts can be pushed to the Live Forecast to keep it up to date. The Live Forecast is managed using its own data block.

The Control main page includes a default Forecasts viewset that contains the Forecast data block.

Only users with the right permissions have access to update the Live Forecast. Updating the Live Forecast is covered in greater detail further in the lesson.

Live Forecast grid navigation

You can access the cost categories slide-out panel quickly by clicking the Live Forecast View Cost Categories icon.

Clicking the icon takes you directly to the cost categories slide-out panel in the cost item details.